How to watch free HD Movies on your iPhone, iPod, iPad using Funshion?

Funshion have an application for iOS but it seems to have very slow connection even you have the top of the line broadband or fiber internet connection.

iPhone Screenshot – Hansel & Gretel

Fret not as users can still enjoy the service by using their mobile website.


Advantages on using the website:

  • No irritating Pop up ads.
  • Streaming seems to be more faster than using the App.


  • Movie streaming. You need to have a fantastic internet connection for fast buffering, so you can watch without delays.
  • You won’t be able to save the movie to your Mobile Device.
  • You cannot change the language to English. This would only be possible if your using Goggle Chrome browser on PC or MAC, It will detect that the website is in other language, it will prompt you to translate it to english.