It archives the internet for us. There will be times that a website you viewed or visited, will be gone or be updated to something new, then why not save it?

WayBackMachine does that.

It is one of the projects of who founded to build an internet library that includes text, audio, images, and software.

Providing history of our cyber world and be viewable to all, a digital library that makes us look back into what we had and changed into. What it do is, it crawls into each and every website available over the internet and saved it. The availability still relies on what is been crawled.

I salute them for making this possible.

Look at where they store all those Archived Digital Files 

Why not try it?

“Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported.”

The Wayback Machine